The FlexSheet

What's New? [17 Nov 2020]

(If you’ve used the FlexSheet before, expand me to read what’s new!)

A few minor changes have been made to the FlexSheet template, mainly affecting the old Directorate of Corporate and Information Services:

  • The team-specific FlexBands that applied to certain teams within Information Services have been removed. This leaves the University’s standard FlexBands available, along with the option to enter Custom FlexBands if a department or group has specific needs.

  • The Information Service-specific FlexYear comprising “three FlexPeriods of four months each” has been removed, leaving only the University’s standard “four FlexPeriods of three months each.”

And finally, after developing this FlexSheet template and supporting it for many years, Mike Brudenell is taking early retirement and handing the FlexSheet over to the very capable hands of Steph Jesper in the Teaching & Learning Team.

The Flexitime Scheme

The University of York operates a Flexitime scheme which is available to, and used by, many members of staff. It is described in detail in Flexitime on HR’s web pages, which must be considered the authoritative source of information regarding Flexitime at the University.

Remember: To request time off you must continue to use your department’s leave booking system. This FlexSheet is merely an aid you can use which will help you record your working hours and track your FlexBalance and leave.

General appearance of the FlexSheet.

Screenshot of the FlexSheet

The FlexSheet

This FlexSheet is a way for you to record the start and end times of the sessions you work each day, along with any absences because of annual leave, sick leave, attending a conference, etc. The FlexSheet uses this to calculate your FlexBalance.

You can use your FlexBalance to:

  • occasionally start a little later and/or finish a little earlier, or

  • book a half- or full-day off as FlexLeave.

Finding Your Way Around

Please use the page menus above to navigate this web site. Some pages also have buttons, like those below, to take you to topics.

Use the first button, or the Setting Up menu at the top of the page, to get your own copy of the FlexSheet. Then work through to learn how to configure and start using it.

  • Getting the FlexSheet

  • Configuring the FlexSheet

  • How to use the FlexSheet day-to-day

  • Automatically jumping to today

  • Tracking your Annual Leave

  • Step-by-step walkthroughs

  • Changing your hours

  • Extra information

This FlexSheet was developed by Mike Brudenell of IT Services at the University of York, and is now maintained by Steph Jesper of the Library’s Teaching & Learning Team. It and previous versions have been used for many years within Information Services at the University so hopefully will meet your needs. It is not provided by, nor supported by, HR.