Adventure 1

Automatically Jumping to Today

This is an Adventure for those who feel a little braver. It's entirely optional and might look a little complicated to set up, but you only need to do it once for a FlexSheet.

Automatically Jumping to Today

As you know, clicking the Green Arrow at the top of the Flex Period column on the FlexSheet tab will jump down to today’s row in the FlexSheet.

If you’re feeling adventurous here’s how you can set this up to happen automatically whenever you open your FlexSheet, without having to click the green arrow!

There are eight quite straightforward steps to set this up. You only need do this once for your FlexSheet…

Step 1 of 8

Open your FlexSheet and go to the FlexSheet tab.

Step 2 of 8

At the top of the page is the name of your FlexSheet’s file with some menus just below. Click on the Tools menu and choose Script editor…

Step 3 of 8

A slightly scary looking window called FlexSheet Scripts opens containing the magical programming code that makes the green arrow work. It contains a programming function called “jumpToToday”; be careful not to change any of it! What you’ll do next makes this function run automatically whenever you open your FlexSheet.

Step 4 of 8

At the left of the page are a series of icons. Hovering over these expands the menu. Select the Triggers option (the one with the clock icon).

Select Triggers from the side-menu

Step 5 of 8

The Triggers page opens, saying there are currently no triggers. You are going to create a trigger that runs a script function called jumpToToday whenever you open your FlexSheet. So…

Use the create a new trigger link, or the + Add Trigger button at the bottom-right, to create the new trigger.

Step 6 of 8

Five pop-up menus appear:

    • Set the first pop-up menu to jumpToToday

    • Set the second pop-up menu to Head

    • Set the third pop-up menu to From spreadsheet

    • Change the fourth pop-up menu to On open

    • Change the fifth pop-up menu to Notify me daily

    • Click the Save button

Panel to add and configure a new trigger
The panel to add and configure a new trigger

Step 7 of 8

If you’ve not already authorised the Green Arrow to work it’ll ask you to do this now. Click the Continue button to open the authorisation window and then its Allow button.

If you’re unsure what this should look like you can see step-by-step instructions in Authorising the Green Arrow.

Step 8 of 8

You can now close the windows or tabs of your web browser that are showing the triggers and FlexSheet scripts.

All done! 😃

When you open your FlexSheet in the future it will, after the first few seconds of loading and sorting itself out, automatically leap down to today’s row: just as if you’d clicked the Green Arrow.