Extra Help

Authorise the Green Arrow

Follow these four simple steps to make the Green Arrow work. You only need to do them once for a FlexSheet, and afterwards clicking the Green Arrow will automatically jump to today’s entry and position the selection box on the next available timeslot, ready for you to type in the start/end time of your session.

Step 1

Click the Green Arrow button at the top-left of your FlexSheet.

The Green Arrow button, located at the top-left of the FlexSheet.
Location of the Green Arrow button

Step 2

Click the Continue button when the Authorisation Required dialog box appears.

The alert box requesting authorisation for a script to run and jump to today’s row in the FlexSheet.
The Authorisation Required alert box

Step 3

Choose your University account from the list you’re logged in with by clicking on it.

Account selection panel, where you choose which account should be used to authorise the FlexSheet’s scripts.
Account selection panel

Step 4

The magical Scripts that make the Green Button work need to be able to access and control your FlexSheet. Give them permission by clicking the Allow button.

Panel requesting you grant permission to the FlexSheet’s scripts for them to work
The panel requesting you grant permission to the FlexSheet’s scripts for them to work