Extra Help

Changing Your Hours

Changing Hours Partway Through a FlexYear

If you change your working days and/or hours partway through the FlexYear you will need to update your FlexSheet so it knows which days you now work, and how many hours you work each day.

There are different ways of doing this depending on whether you’re working the same hours but on different days, or also changing the number of hours you work each week.


If you are using the experimental Annual Leave Tracking feature:

  • If you are changing which days you work but are still working the same number of hours per week then Annual Leave Tracking should continue to work OK, but…
  • If you are changing how many hours you work per week the Annual Leave Tracking will show you the wrong values. This is because you’ll be accruing annual leave at a different rate from before. You will need to rely on your department’s official annual leave tracking system instead. (Sorry!)

Changing Your Days and/or Hours

An easy way of telling the FlexSheet that you’re changing your working days and/or hours is to create a new Working Pattern with the details of your new working days and hours. To do this:

  1. Go to the My Info tab in your existing FlexSheet.
  2. In the About Your Working Hours section, look for where you set the number of different patterns on different weeks and increase this (eg, if your new working hours contains just one pattern of days/hours increase it by one).
  3. This will add a new column in the Your Working Pattern(s) section below. Fill in this new column with the number of hours and minutes you will be working each day after the change. Remember the number at the top of the column in this table!
  4. Now go to the FlexSheet tab and, if need be, unhide the secret Patt. No. column by clicking the + above Column A.
  5. Scroll down the FlexSheet to find the date on which your changed days/hours start. Put the number of the new Working Patterns column (the one you remembered in step 3) into the Patt. No. cell for this date and all the dates below, right through to the end of the FlexSheet. (Hint: You can use Fill Down to do this if you know how.)

All done!

There's more information about multiple working patterns on the Configure Your FlexSheet page.

If in Doubt… The Fallback Method

Perhaps the least complicated way is to take a fresh copy of the FlexSheet Template and start using it from the first day of your newly contracted working days/hours. However this does mean your new FlexSheet won’t have your previous entries

Set up your new details in its My Info tab as usual, remembering to:

  • Set the The month and year this FlexYear starts on (mm/yyyy) value to the month and year that your department’s FlexYear starts on;
  • Set the The date of your first entry in this FlexSheet will be (dd/mm/yyyy) value to the date your new working days/hours start from;
  • Enter the final FlexBalance from your old FlexSheet into the new one as the balance you’re carrying forward into it.