Extra Help

Share Your FlexSheet

If your line manager has created a folder for you to put your FlexSheet in it will almost certainly already be set up with the right access permissions. Just moving your FlexSheet into the folder will make it inherit those permissions, giving your line manager the access they need; you won’t have to do anything further.

Your FlexSheet’s Sharing Settings

You can check and, if need be, alter the sharing permissions of your FlexSheet to let your line manager see it. Sometimes this is done by moving your FlexSheet into a shared folder they have created; other times they might ask you keep your FlexSheet in your own My Drive area but share it direct with your line manager. Here’s how to do the latter:

  1. Open your FlexSheet.
  2. Click on its File menu at the top of the web page, then its Share… menu item.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, click the Advanced link at its bottom right.
  4. Check whether your line manager is already listed and has the right access.

If your line manager is listed but without the right access level

  1. Click the pop-up menu to the right of their email address and set it to one of Edit, Comment or View to give them the level of access they have asked for.
  2. Click the Save changes button to save the change.

If your line manager isn’t listed at all

  1. Enter their email address into the Invite people box.
  2. Click the pop-up menu to the right and set it to one of Edit, Comment or View, giving them the level of access they have asked for.
  3. Click the Send button to give them the access and send them an email so they have a link to reach your FlexSheet with.

Made a Mistake?

If you accidentally give access to someone who should not have it just:

  1. Go back into the Advanced area
  2. Click the “✕” cross icon to the right of their email address to remove it
  3. Save your change