Adventure 2

Annual Leave Tracking

This Adventure is an experimental feature and entirely optional. It might look a little complicated to set up but can make it easier for you to see how much annual leave you have left to take. You only need to do it once for a FlexSheet.

Tracking Your Annual Leave [Experimental]

Because you enter both FlexLeave and Annual Leave days off into your FlexSheet it can also give you a summary of how much Annual Leave you have taken. Not everyone wants to do this as it’s a little tricky to set up, so is hidden from view by default. This section explains how to make it visible and set it up.


You must continue using your official annual leave recording system to request time off. It also provides the authoritative figures for your leave used and remaining balance; the FlexSheet is non-authoritative and only gives a (usually pretty good) estimate and overview of your leave.

Step 1: Make the Annual Leave Parts of the FlexSheet Visible

First you need to show the Annual Leave tab:

  1. Open your FlexSheet.
  2. At the bottom-left, click the little icon with four horizontal lines on it. In the pop-up menu that appears choose Annual Leave Summary. This tab will be made visible and appear alongside the others.

Now you need to make some extra settings appear in your My Info tab:

  1. Click the My Info tab to switch to it.
  2. In the left margin, right at the bottom (around row 20) click the “+” symbol. This will expand to show some extra lines, including a place to enter how much Annual Leave you had at the start of this FlexLeave which was still to be taken. Read on for how to calculate this…

Step 2: Enter the Percentage Time You’ll Be Working

This sets how much of the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Annual Leave allowance you'll be credited with when the next Annual Leave Year starts within the FlexYear.

The instructions are slightly different depending on whether your FlexYear starts at the same time as the University’s Annual Leave Year on 1st October…

Step 2a: If Your FlexYear STARTS ON 1st October

Enter the percentage of the full working week (37 hours) you are working then.

Step 2b: If Your FlexYear DOES NOT Start on 1st October

Enter the percentage of the full working week (37 hours) you will be contracted to work from the date the new Annual Leave Year starts.

Step 3: Enter Your Annual Leave Balance at the Start of the FlexYear

This is how much unused Annual Leave you had at the start of the FlexYear. The FlexSheet debits this whenever you record a day off as using some Annual Leave.

The instructions are slightly different depending on whether your FlexYear starts at the same time as the University’s Annual Leave Year on 1st October…

Step 3a: If Your FlexYear STARTS ON 1st October

Calculate your Annual Leave Balance from the start of the year:

  • Start off your Annual Leave allowance for the Annual Leave Year.
  • Add any credit/deficit you're carrying forward from the previous Annual Leave Year.

Enter this figure into the unused Annual Leave balance box in the My Info tab as hours and minutes.

Step 3b: If Your FlexYear DOES NOT Start on 1st October

Calculate your Annual Leave Balance at the start of the FlexYear:

  • Start off with your Annual Leave allowance for the current Annual Leave Year.
  • Add any credit/deficit you carried forward from the previous Annual Leave Year.
  • Deduct annual leave you booked and took off between the start of the Annual Leave Year up to, but not including, the first day of the FlexYear. (Don't deduct any booked for after the FlexYear starts; the FlexSheet will deal with that when you’ve entered those leave dates into it.)

Enter this figure into the unused Annual Leave balance box in the My Info tab as hours and minutes.

A Worked Example for Step 3b

Assume that you work the standard 37 hour week spread evenly (7:24 per day) Monday through Friday, carried forward 5:30 of Annual Leave at 1 October, and your FlexYear starts on 1 January. Further assume that you booked and took off these dates:

  • 5 November
  • 13 December
  • 25 December through 1 January (including the three Public Holidays and three University Closure Days)

Your calculation would then look like this:

  1. Your standard full-time leave allowance is 281:12
  2. Add the 5:30 of annual leave you carried forward to get a starting Annual Leave Balance of 286:42
  3. You took seven days of Annual Leave (ie, 5/11, 13/12, 25/12, 26/12 and the three Closure Days; don't count 1/1 as that's in the new FlexYear covered by your FlexSheet). So that’s 7 × 7:24 = 51:48
  4. Deduct 51:48 from 286:42, giving 234:54
  5. Enter your result of 234:54 into the unused Annual Leave balance box in the My Info tab of your FlexSheet