Extra Help

Move Your FlexSheet

These instructions assume that you have already followed the instructions in Get the FlexSheet and

  • made a copy of the FlexSheet template, which added your copy to your Google Drive,
  • opened your new FlexSheet (ie, the copy) and set its name, and that
  • you still have your FlexSheet open.

Moving Your FlexSheet

There are many ways of moving files around Google Drive, but presumably you’re reading this because you’re not entirely sure how to do so. 🙂 Here’s one way:

  1. Click the folder icon at the very top of the FlexSheet window, to the right of the name you’ve set for it.
  2. Navigate to the folder you want to put the FlexSheet in — click the left-pointing arrow within the window to move up a level; double-click a folder name to move down into it.
  3. Click the blue Move Here button to place the FlexSheet in the folder you’ve moved to.

Need to Search for the Folder?

You can click the pop-out icon next to the filename (it looks like a small square box with a diagonal arrow in it) to open the current folder in a window. You can then search for the folder you want to put your FlexSheet in, add it to your My Drive, and move it there.

Finding the Shared Folder and Adding It to Your “My Drive”

If you can’t find the shared folder your team leader/manager has asked you to use you might need to add it to your My Drive first of all:

  1. In another browser window, go to the main Google Drive page by clicking the little 9-square Launcher icon at the top-right of any Google page.
  2. In the search bar near the top of the window, type in and search for the name you’ve been told of the shared folder.
  3. Look through the listing for the correct folder and left double-click on its name to open it.
  4. Near the top of the window you’ll see the name of the folder with a small triangle pointing downwards next to it. Click the triangle to see a drop-down menu and choose the Add to My Drive option.
  5. Now try the steps above again to move your FlexSheet into place.

Still Stuck?

If you need more help moving Google Drive files around and doing this please ask a colleague or your line manager for assistance.